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Checklist: Manufacturing Quality Control Template

2 minutes, 53 seconds read



Product ID / SKU / Serial

Location on Production Line being inspected


Do you wish to visually inspect the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product is free of damage?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product free of water damage?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product free of deterioration?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product free of dirt / dust?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to inspect the size of the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product over-sized?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product under-sized?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product free of deformities?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to inspect the color of the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Are the predominant colours acceptable?

Yes | No | N/A

Are the trim and minor colours acceptable?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the detailing appropriately clear?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the print free of smudges and defects?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to inspect the weight of the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product weight within the acceptable tolerance?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the products centre of mass within the acceptable tolerance?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to materially inspect the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the product of acceptable strength (e.g. not brittle)?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the material free of deformities?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the material free from impurities?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the material appropriately sealed?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the material cover the area it is intended to?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to operationally inspect the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the product function as expected?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the product rotate, move and adjust as expected?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the product move only within safe ranges?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the product make any unexpected or grinding noises?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure


Do you wish to insect the packaging of the product?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the packaging free of deformities?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the packaging free of machine marks and scrapes?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the print on the packaging free from smudges?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the print on the packaging correctly coloured?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the print on the packaging clear?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the packaging close securely?

Yes | No | N/A

Is the padding free of defects and deformities?

Yes | No | N/A

Does the product fit securely into the packaging?

Yes | No | N/A

Add any additional non-compliant measures

Failed Measure

Defect Log

Do you wish to log defects with this product?

Yes | No | N/A

Add Defects

Description of the defect

Add a photo of the defect


What is the severity of the defect?


Sign Off

Is this product in an acceptable condition?


Auditor to sign here


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