Checklist: COVID-19 Warehouse and Depot Template
4 minutes, 50 seconds read
Warehouse operators and facility managers use this warehouse audit template to perform periodic audits to ensure that the COVID-19 guidelines are followed in the workplace.
- Answer the following questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘N/A’ for each inspection.
- Add photos and notes directly below the question to further reference your answer.
- If an “action” is required, add a description, assign it to the person, set the priority and due date.
Entrance and Parking
Are the rules of social distance at the entrance and in the parking lot observed?
Yes | No | N/A
Are signs visible at the entrance of the facility?
Yes | No | N/A
Signs visible at the reception?
Yes | No | N/A
Office Areas
Are social distance rules observed in the office area?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the office areas free of waste and unnecessary objects?
Yes | No | N/A
Locker Area
Are social distance rules observed in the locker area?
Yes | No | N/A
Are signs visible in the locker area?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the changing area clean and tidy?
Yes | No | N/A
Are there any objects lying around in the changing room?
Yes | No | N/A
Are hand disinfectants available in the changing room?
Yes | No | N/A
Packaging Area
Are the rules on social distance observed in the packing room?
Yes | No | N/A
Is social dissociation handled in the packing area?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the packing area free of waste and unnecessary items?
Yes | No | N/A
Are hand disinfectants available in the packing area?
Yes | No | N/A
Outgoing goods
Are the provisions on social distance being observed?
Yes | No | N/A
Is it possible to negotiate social distance at any time when goods are issued?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the goods issue area free of waste and unnecessary items?
Yes | No | N/A
Goods Receipt
Are the rules of social distancing observed?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the goods administered under the rules of social distancing?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the goods receiving area free of waste and unnecessary items?
Yes | No | N/A
Is hand disinfectant available in the goods receiving area?
Yes | No | N/A
Picking lanes
Are the rules of social distance followed in the corridors?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the one-way system of picking in aisles in operation and working efficiently?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the waste in the picking area disposed of efficiently?
Yes | No | N/A
Points with high contact
As hand washing is one of the most effective defence measures, employers must ensure that workers have easy access to washing facilities and that these are well equipped with soap and (ideally) paper towels.
Workers should follow these five steps each time they wash their hands:
- Moisten their hands with clean, running water (hot or cold), turn off the tap and apply soap
- Lather hands by rubbing them together with soap. Lather the back of the hand, between the fingers and under the nails.
- Wash hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Rinse hands well under clean running water.
- Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry.
Have you made all employees aware of the handwashing protocols at your workplace?
Yes | No | N/A
Have all toilet inspections been completed according to schedule?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the soap dispensers refilled?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the dryer and flushing area clean and tidy?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the toilets clean, tidy and disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the cabin door handles disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Is hand disinfectant available?
Yes | No | N/A
Break Room/Canteen
Have the controls in the break room/canteen been completed according to the schedule?
Yes | No | N/A
Have the soap dispensers in the break room/canteen been refilled?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the surfaces clean, tidy and disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Have the door handles in the break room/canteen been disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Are hand disinfectants available in the break room/canteen?
Yes | No | N/A
Are hand disinfectants available for operating personnel for hand disinfection before and after touching controls?
Yes | No | N/A
Is the screen regularly disinfected by the responsible team?
Yes | No | N/A
Does the operating personnel maintain social distance while using the controls?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the controls not used by several users at the same time?
Yes | No | N/A
Doors & Shared Computers
Are the door handles disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the lift buttons disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Are the key code keys disinfected?
Yes | No | N/A
Are disinfectants available for employees on shared computers in the security center and security office
Yes | No | N/A
Are disinfectants available for employees to use on shared computers in the staff office?
Yes | No | N/A
Is disinfectant available for staff to use on the shared computer in the store manager’s office?
Yes | No | N/A
TV Screens
Are COVID-19 messages displayed on the screens around the warehouse?
Yes | No | N/A
Forklift Trucks and Company Vehicles
Is a hand disinfection spray available for all forklift trucks?
Yes | No | N/A
Is a hand disinfectant spray available for all company vehicles?
Yes | No | N/A
Do the employees sit and work at least 2 meters apart?
Yes | No | N/A
Are hand disinfectants available in the office?
Yes | No | N/A
Sign off
Signature of the supervisor
Prev chapter: Checklist: Facility Preventive Maintenance Checklist Template