Checklist: Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Template
2 minutes, 31 seconds read
Incident Summary
Collect information and evidence of the incident and report your findings here.
Item detail
Photo evidence
List the activities and events leading up to the time of the incident, when the incident happened and what took place afterwards.
Date & Time
The basic cause of an incident is the mechanism of failure.
What happened?
The ICAM model analyses the contributing factors to determine why the incident happened.
Why did the incident happen?
Actual Consequences
Potential Consequences
The contributing factors of this incident were analyzed using the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) process, an industrial safety initiative used to analyze serious incidents. ICAM is an analysis tool that sorts the findings of an investigation into a structural framework.
An ICAM analysis clarifies why the incident happened and identifies all the factors that contribute to the event.
The contributing factors are classified into four categories of the ICAM model which are: Absent or Failed Defences; Individual or Team Actions; Task or Environmental Conditions; Organisational Factors.
Absent or Failed Defences
The situations, systems, conditions, equipment, measures or human factors which normally prevent this type of incident from happening.
Absent or Failed?
Organisational factor type
- Hardware
- Training
- Organisation
- Communication
- Incompatible goals
- Procedures
- Maintenance management
- DesignRisk management
- Management if change
- Contractor management
- Organisational culture
- Vehicle management
- Management systems
Details of defence
Individual or Team Actions
The errors or violations made by people directly involved in the event.
Individual or Team?
Organisational factor type
- Hardware
- Training
- Organisation
- Communication
- Incompatible goals
- Procedures
- Maintenance management
- DesignRisk management
- Management if change
- Contractor management
- Organisational culture
- Vehicle management
- Management systems
Details of Action
Task or Environment Conditions
The “situational characteristics” which existed immediately prior to the incident, including the work situation, physical or social environment, or a person’s mental, physical or emotional state.
Task or Environmental
Organisational factor type
- Hardware
- Training
- Organisation
- Communication
- Incompatible goals
- Procedures
- Maintenance management
- DesignRisk management
- Management if change
- Contractor management
- Organisational culture
- Vehicle management
- Management systems
Details of Condition
Organisational Factors
The latent system based factors present before the incident which may have contributed to the presence of specific adverse task or environmental conditions, individual or team actions, or absent or failed defences.
Organisational factor type
- Hardware
- Training
- Organisation
- Communication
- Incompatible goals
- Procedures
- Maintenance management
- DesignRisk management
- Management if change
- Contractor management
- Organisational culture
- Vehicle management
- Management systems
Details of Factor
Recommended Corrective Actions
What are we going to do about the incident? Use the Hierarchy of Control recommendations for corrective actions that will target prevention of recurrence and reduction of risk.The recommendations will address each identified absent or failed defence (risk controls) and Organisational factor (prevention and risk reduction strategies).
Enter recommended corrective actions here
CAR detail
Key Learnings
Enter Lessons Learned here
Lesson Learned
Sign off
Full name and signature of ICAM report author
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