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Checklist: Gemba Walk Interview Template

1 minute, 21 seconds read


Use this checklist to report the working methods of your staff. It will help you evaluate the percentage of time, the used system, and resources used by workers to complete tasks. Use Lumiform to document the difficulties and issues faced while working in production. Furthermore, this checklist will also document the steps and solutions formulated by workers to solve problems.



Gemba Walk Interview

How many employees work on this plan?

Are there any workers who also have shared resources and work elsewhere? How many?

What percentage of the time do employees have open to work on this plan?

How long from the work time is available to you until you take the next step?

How long would it take to finish this step if you could work on it without any interruption or without waiting?

What percentage of parts received at this plan/step is finished and correct?

How many parts are waiting to be worked on right now?

Is that normal?

How old is the oldest piece of work waiting in the queue?

Do you need to arrange anything before this procedure (equipment, resources etc.)?

Yes | No | N/A

What system do you use for your work?

How do you find the required information (reports, spreadsheets, etc.) or equipment?

Is the work “bundled” before it goes to the next section?

Yes | No | N/A

What problems or barriers to flow make this step hard or time-consuming?


Any further observations:

Potential chances:

Potential solutions:

Full name and signature of the inspector:



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