5 Reasons Tablets are Taking Over the Shop Floor
2 minutes, 22 seconds read
The move to Industry 4.0 is necessary for all manufacturing businesses to survive and thrive in this ever changing world. Manufacturers must stay up to date with new software and hardware to stay ahead of the competition. What hasn’t changed is that innovation ultimately comes from the forefront of the company: the frontline. The shop floor employees are the best to quickly identify problems and come up with solutions. Tablets are one of many new tools that we’re seeing top manufacturing employees use to help them with their day to day activities and innovate. Here are five reasons why tablets are here to stay on the shop floor.
Ease of Use
Handheld tablets are light and portable. Plant workers can directly capture problems on the floor with photos or videos and immediately share them. This streamlines the information capture process and removes steps where delays can happen, such as USB transfers. Tablets are intuitive and easy to use – reducing the digital barrier to entry for older folks who may be used to manual processes. Implementing tablets can result in a huge boost in participation across all ages.
Employee Safety
Tablets can be used to quickly identify safety issues and resolve them, preventing further accidents as soon as possible. You can also use tablets in conjunction with safe spaces to ensure your employees are always safe.
Corporate Security
Tablets owned by your company will ensure the highest level of security. Controlled devices that are up to date with your IT team’s specifications will always leave behind a digital trail so that any information going in and out will be strictly monitored. An added bonus is that your shop floor tablets will always remain connected to shop wifi!
Integrated Daily Activities
Tablets are the perfect tool to use in conjunction with daily activities. They can help digitize most manual processes. Some of our customers currently use their Rever on tablets to help conduct Gemba Walks!
Centralized Information
Whether your tablet is linked to an in-house information system or a cloud based server, all this information can be centralized to create an inventory of best practices. Share these best practices with different sites.
For some companies, enabling employees to use their own cell phones can help address several concerns. Specialized apps with security settings will ensure all information remains proprietary and protected. Track any information going in and out with a digital trail.
Almost every digitally native worker already has their own smartphone. Employees can also submit ideas at any time, even when inspiration strikes them in the middle of the night!
If you’re interested in ordering tablets for your site, reach out to us for a quote!
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