5 Way You Can Kickstart a Great 2022 Rever Program
4 minutes, 55 seconds read
As we all get back to work at the beginning of a new year, we all have the opportunity to start new habits, reignite old initiatives, and elevate ourselves. After reaching out to some of our Rever customers, we saw some common patterns in how successful programs are driven.
Here are 5 ways some of your colleagues are kickstarting 2022:
- Training Refresh: Create opportunities to provide some training updates to your teams – in-person, video, posters, get creative.
- Focus on a Few: Select a few teams/groups to start working with closely to make them a success story and example.
- Create New Teams:
- Define New Routines/Checklists: Identify some specific routines and checklists to digitize.
- Track & Recognize: Let them know you are watching and show your manager why this is so important.
LINK: Video for 5 Ways to Kick Off Your 2022 Operational Excellence Program
Presentation from the new Rever Shorts Video:
Welcome to our first Rever shorts for 2022. I’m going to talk a little bit about five ways to kickstart a great 2022 operational excellence program. So five easy steps that you can take, uh, immediately to get 20, 22 off on the right foot. So first, as a quick introduction, I’m the chief solution officer here at Rever. We’re going to talk about two things, one frontline operational excellence program, and then secondly, five ways to kickstart a 2022 operational excellence program. So what do we mean when we talk about frontline operational excellence program? We want to be very specific about things that are being touched that are being driven by the front line that could go into solving operational challenger, such as total productive, maintenance, quality, safety, productivity, and could also be continuous improvement ideas, new ways of doing things and ongoing improvements in terms of five ways.
Let’s summarize. One is a training refresh, second is focus on a few, third create new teams, fourth find new routines and checklists, and fifth track and recognize individuals.
First training refresh. Keep your teams updated and trained. Invest some time in face to face training and creating maybe some video assets that can be consumed in different places. Maybe some posters, easy to see, easy to consume and also share different program materials. So find different ways of creating some program materials and informing your team and refresh them about the program.
Focus on a few. So what do we mean by that is start small to spread the word, select a few teams or groups, define very specific use cases to focus on, be sure that they are trained, and then monitor the performance. Identify best practice and success stories from that groups that you can then use to inform and promote the program and repeat the cycle until you get the expected results. So don’t do a once and move on, but identify that small group and keep working with them until you have the results you want.
Create new teams. So think about defining teams around your organization in more creative ways, if you will. Identify teams that you need, for example, a maintenance or abnormalities identification team, or a gemba walk team, a QA team, a safety walk team. Then monitor the performance and reward and recognize those individuals and those ad hoc or virtual teams that can be very helpful.
Fourth is to find new routines and checklist. Ask yourself which routines are we currently doing that we want to be more visible, more efficient, easier to track. Focus on digitizing some of these routines. We’re also aligning those routines with the new virtual teams that we talked about earlier, five S audit, gemba walks, maintenance checks, quality, safety, inspections, and more routines you can then execute in an easier, faster way, as well as track the execution of them, the results and address the findings of these.
Then lastly is track and recognize. Track your team. Take time to really monitor who is doing what, which individuals are being recognized and can be seen in your routines, checklists, that they are executing findings observations issues, that they are completing new improvement ideas, are coming up with and implementing, as well as participating in challenges or campaigns that you’ve initiated and are working. So recognize the individuals and also recognize the team’s performance to keep your team motivated.
So those are five great ways that you can start 2022 to drive your program.
Rever is an easy to use app that connects all your front employees, so they can expose hidden losses in your daily operations, activate and connect the right people to solve them, and then amplify that impact with actionable insights. Please connect with us, contact us for more information. We’d love to work with you and help you in your operations, Thank you very much for participating with us today and I hope you got some valuable information. Thank you very much.
LINK: Video for 5 Ways to Kick Off Your 2022 Operational Excellence Program
You may also be interested in our webinar “Standardize, Maintain, and Improve…or be left behind”.
Read more about that discussion:
- Adjusting Operations to the Ongoing Pandemic (1 of 6)
- Power of Standardization and Standard Work (2 of 6)
- Driving Continuous Improvement (3 of 6)
- Building and Managing Skills (4 of 6)
- Leveraging the Power of Technology (5 of 6)
- Advice for 2022 – It’s about your people (6 of 6)
OR, watch the Video Recordings (each is 5-10min in length):
- Adjusting Operations to the Ongoing Pandemic (1 of 6)
- Power of Standardization and Standard Work (2 of 6)
- Driving Continuous Improvement (3 of 6)
- Building and Managing Skills (4 of 6)
- Leveraging the Power of Technology (5 of 6)
- Advice for 2022 – It’s about your people (6 of 6)
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