Artificial Intelligence – Not Just for the Machines Anymore
3 minutes, 8 seconds read
Most companies have started their journey of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence by now. There are many examples of how AI-powered algorithms are driving higher output, better quality, faster delivery, and safer work conditions. These are all achieved by integrating the ‘internet of things’ into the machines and processes that operate organizations.
But how can Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence help improve the organizational learning and operational excellence initiatives that are focused on engaging, empowering, and enabling people?
Here are three targeted ways that organizations can activate their untapped potential at the frontline leveraging actionable insights. In order for this to be effective, these insights need to be specific, actionable, and delivered in the right place, to the right person, at the right time.
Prescriptive Innovation Recommendations
Drive organizational learning across sites by promoting performance improvements to similar sites and individuals.
Challenges you may be facing:
- Sites, teams, and individuals operate in isolation
- Issues are tackled without the benefit of others’ experiences
- Information is in disparate places and formats
Solutions that can help:
Proactively share best practices to different sites, teams, and individuals to leverage learning and impact from one location to the whole company.
- Intelligent Idea Suggestion to individual users based on their role, site characteristics, and objectives.
- AI Engine to identify relevant, high-impact ideas that have been implemented and have shown success.
- Central idea database for the entire organization that drives organizational learning and allows all employees to contribute to, and learn from.
Real-time Idea Suggestions
Stop reinventing the wheel. Prompt your team when they are creating an idea that may have already been implemented somewhere else in your organization.
Challenges you may be facing:
- Reinventing the wheel. The same ideas, and fixes are being created and implemented over and over again.
- No single place to store the knowledge and best practices
- Time consuming to find information before taking action
Solutions that can help:
Drive organizational learning and decrease duplication of efforts by proactively suggesting existing fixes and improvements based on the description of new ideas and fixes as they are being created.
- Real-time Idea Match Alert – at the right place, to the right person, and at the right time. Push the matched idea proactively to individuals rather than relying on them searching for something in a library.
- List of Matching Ideas to provide the individual a couple of similar options that may fit the situation they are currently facing.
- Recognition of those employees who are taking advantage of reusing existing solutions to tackle problems as they arise. Celebrate being efficient.
Personalized Calls-to-Action
Complete view of your operational excellence performance with AI-powered, personalized calls-to-action for you and your team
Challenges you may be facing:
- Lack of unified view of operational excellence
- Data is not actionable – unclear on what to do to progress
- No organizational learning – reinventing the wheel and operating in isolation
Solutions that can help:
Combine the activity of the frontline, with operational performance data, and AI algorithms to deliver personalized, actionable intelligence for the frontline to improve performance.
- Flexible Dashboards that provide a wide range of charts, reports, and tables that allow you to filter, zoom-in, and analyze the information in a variety of ways.
- Prescriptive Activities to drive your program activity and impact defined by the historical trends of improvement ideas and employee activity.
- Personalized Call-to-Action for individual users based on their position, responsibilities, and past activities to prioritize what they should focus on.
Learn about how you can leverage Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in your company at our upcoming webinar.
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