Three Ways to Engage with the Frontline to Revolutionize your Supply Chain
2 minutes, 25 seconds read
In a world of expedited shipping and free two-day delivery, we’ve been spoiled by the speed of the modern supply chain. Most would describe the supply chain as a system of various machines and objects such as forklifts, conveyor belts, trucks, boxes, and planes.
However, in the wake of COVID-19, the real system of the supply chain has been revealed: frontline workers.
Through this pandemic, frontline workers have been ceaselessly working to continue industrial operations and keep essential items properly supplied, packaged, and delivered. These workers are risking their health to keep our world running and for that, we all owe them thanks and gratitude.
What you as an employer do in this time of uncertainty and delay will define the culture of your company for the future. How you treat your frontline employees will have a lasting effect on your supply chain, brand, and public image.
By engaging with the frontline, you can create a positive public image and have the knowledge and insight to make difficult decisions on the behalf of the company.
Here are three ways you can engage with your frontline employees.
Absorb Information
Visit the frontline operations in person and communicate with your employees. By physically going to the shop floor, retail floor, warehouse, or serve center, you can observe the operations and gather valuable information.
Even with social distancing in place, you can still interact with your frontline employees through mediums like messaging forums and daily Zoom check ins.
Ask Questions
Try to understand and empathize with the current situation of your employees. Ask yourself questions, and ask the supply chain those same questions to find an answer. Listen to their responses and learn their current feelings.
Are they anxious, uncertain, or scared? Learning about the personal challenges of the supply chain can help provide you with valuable insights on how to solve issues.
Show Respect
It’s important to make sure your employees feel respected and appreciated by their employer, especially in times of high stress and uncertainty. You can show your respect to the supply chain by acknowledging their accomplishments and hard work.
Empowering your frontline workers will in turn increase their respect for you as an employer. By taking time to individually recognize team meetings or creating an employee of the month award, you can engage with your frontline workers to make them feel valuable and important.
These changes may not be easy to implement, but that doesn’t make them any less important.
Now is the time to empower and unlock the true power of your frontline workers by showing them respect and appreciation for their ideas and work. Show your frontline workers that you value them by investing in them. Empower them to digitally collaborate with Rever. Get started now.
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