Video: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing – 4 Mistakes to Avoid
49 seconds read
When it comes to Digital Transformation in manufacturing environments, many companies decide to do nothing. They wrongly believe their people are not ready to handle digital technologies. Many executives in charge of the initiative are far from the frontline of work: the manufacturing shop floor, the warehouses, and the field.
This sad perception is far from reality. The industrial frontline has a fresh face. The people there are avid users of technology, especially the digital-native millennials that are flooding the workforce. All of them have an internet-connected supercomputer in their pocket. Yes, even in developing countries.
They go every day to their technology-poor workplace to use decades-old methods to perform their work. They are hungry for change, full of ideas, and they are eager to be given a chance to make a difference.
Your industrial frontline is digital-ready. It’s time for your company to step up.
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