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Compliance Problem Solving

Rever allows all employees to drive a consistent DMAIC process to contain the symptoms, and address the root causes of problems.

Powering mission-critical apps for the world's best companies

Today's Challenges

Lack of a digital, standardized process and platform

  • Addressing problems by managing symptoms, not solving root cause

  • Lack of visibility into problem information, status, solutions

  • Difficult to collaborate across teams and sites

Rever Benefits

Activating the untapped power of the frontline

  • Standard DMAIC process to address the root cause

  • Collaborate easily to include the right expertise

  • Real-time dashboards for visibility, reporting, and sharing
DMAIC to solve and prevent compliance
Executing a problem solving process
Resource for learning and coaching
Checklist: Compliance Inspection
List of items for your compliance inspection
Consistent operations across teams


  • Capture a Problem for RCA (DMAIC)
  • Resolve the Problem and Track Progress
  • Automate Reporting and Insights
  • Collaborate

Create a Problem for any Quality compliance issues that were detected in quality audits and need a Root Cause Analysis, countermeasures, as well as preventive and corrective actions.

Key actions: 

  • Create the Problem
  • Assign a Coach and Collaborators
  • Describe the problem using 5W2H, containment plan, goals
  • Use the Gap Analysis, if needed, to describe the current vs. ideal situation
  • Select the “Quality”, and any other applicable Categories for each compliance issue
  • Upload as much supporting information as needed 

Follow the steps to take action in each Root Cause identified until each on is solved

Key actions: 

  • Teams work on resolving the Problem
  • Identify and analyze each Root Cause and assign each to the 6M of the Ishikawa Diagram
  • Describe and assign corrective actions
  • Describe the preventive action 
  • Document steps and evidence along the way to share learnings 
  • Capture performance and financial impact
  • Reports provide real-time insight into the status and progress

Go to Insights and track the performance on the Quality Compliance Problem Solvings resolution

Key actions: 

  • Select the “Problem Solving Report” to see the activity and progress on Problems in progress, completed, and the detected Root Causes
  • You can see specific charts and data about the types of Root Causes and Categories 
  • Download the Excel report to see the individual Checklist answers for every execution of the Routine.

Directory: Look for the people you would like to add as collaborators based on their job position, skills, and location.

Share: Admins and collaborators can share their Improvement Ideas with anyone in the company.

Mentions: Mention others via @name to send a specific comments and instructions.

Attachments: Add supporting documents using the attachments feature.

Categories: Organize your Ideas based on different categories such as: Cost, Quality Safety, Customer Service, Efficiency, and more.

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